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Guide to Switching to Raw


Going from kibble to raw is easy. Before switching check you have enough freezer space. This is the main reason people find it hard to switch. You'll also need somewhere

to defrost the food. Some people worry about food poisoning and contamination when switching to raw. You don't need to worry, just use good hygiene and treat it as you would when preparing your own food - wash your hands, wipe down the sides after, clean the bowls after use and if it smells off don't use it and throw it away if its been defrosted more than a couple of days. I've been pregnant and had a baby while feeding raw to my pets so it's perfectly safe.

There are two methods. The straight switch, which is the easiest and best suited to dogs and cats with strong stomachs or the gradual change, which is better for fussy dogs and cats or those with more sensitive stomach.

Straight switch:

Simply feed their last meal of kibble in the evening and first raw meal in the morning. In my experience this method works best, but every dog is different. Your pet may turn their nose up at first, but keep offering it and they'll eventually try it.

You may have a pet that will just eat anything, in which case this will be super easy!

Gradual change:

This method may be best for dogs with sensitive stomachs or fussy dogs.

This change should take 7 to 10 days.

Start by introducing a quarter of raw food into your dogs meal and gradually increase the percentage of raw food every couple of days.

There are myths about mixing raw with kibble. Some people believe you can't mix them due to different acidity levels needed to digest the different foods or the difference in speed of digestion. These myths have recently been found to be untrue and the foods are digested in the same way.

If you do have a dog with a sensitive stomach you can always add prebiotics and probiotics to aid the switch. I always keep some in the cupboard incase one of the dogs or the cat get a tummy upset. The one I like to use can be found here

When I tried the gradual change with Goose she got an upset tummy so i then went for the straight switch and added in the probiotics, which was better for her. This may have been because she wasn't doing well on her kibble anyway. As soon as i ditched the kibble her tummy improved in no time.

The toughest challenge i had was switching our cat Odin from kibble to raw. He wouldn't touch it for a few days. I tried offering different flavours. I did the straight switch and didn't offer anything else. Eventually he was hungry enough to try it and he loved it! Now it's a case of learning what flavours he likes and dislikes. I use Purrform for him as it's complete so I don't need to worry about his Taurine levels, which are essential for cats!

Which ever way you decide to switch you can always use apple cider vinegar to help aid your dogs digestive system. Always use it diluted 50/50 with water.

Use one teaspoon for dogs upto 6kg. 2 teaspoons for dogs between 6 and 15kg and dogs over 15kg to 35kg can be given one tablespoon.

For cats give a quatre of a teaspoon diluted 50/50 with water.

Raw Organic apple cider vinegar is the one to use as it contains all the helpful enzymes, bacteria and yeast for your dog. Pasteurised or filtered acv may not contain these and won't have the benefits. Always shake the bottle before use and dilute with water 50/50 and apply onto your dog or cats food.

As with any change in diet your dog or cat may get an upset stomach. Don't give up at the first hurdle. Stick with it and give it time. Your hard work will pay off. You can always contact us for help and advice.

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